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The information made available on TRC website through the club is presented for educational and research purposes only. The Rife Secrets made available to members through this website are not intended to be used for diagnosing or prescribing treatment for any physical, spiritual, or mental condition, nor are they intended as a substitute for the advice or treatment of a licensed professional health practitioner.
Members who choose to use the information or products made available on this site for your own research, you warrant and agree that TRC, assumes no responsibility or liability for any of the results, effects, or outcomes. TRC, its distributors, affiliates, and associates make no claims regarding the performance of the experimental products made available through this website.
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Visitors further agree that use of the information, products, or services made available by TRC, must be done so without expectation of curing any ailment, disease, or malady. Members expressly agree that they will not hold TRC, its distributors and/or associates, liable for any consequences, harmful or otherwise, that may occur as a result of the use of any purchase, or the application of educational information found on this website.
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